Toyota Supra GT4 EVO (2023)

Car mileage: 7617km
Engine Mileage: 6500km. The engine has had a complete revision by BTD after GT4 Hockenheim and has not been used on the track since then.

Included options on the car:

TPMS: tyre temperature and pressure monitoring system (rims with sensors not included)
Driver seat cooling system
Drinking system with 2 bottles
Brake temperature monitoring system
Rear view camera system
Kit refuelling vent endurance GT4
Loom extension battery charging
Ballast box
Air jack lance
1st and 2nd level safety stands
Different BOP Power sticks

For more information please contact Bart Noppe:

+32 472 07 14 86

2024-04-29 13:17:30

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